
Showing posts from May, 2023

9 Tips to Help You Kick the Habit and Quit Smoking

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably already thinking of quitting. What are your reasons? Do you even know why? Simply saying that smoking is bad for you isn’t good enough. To get yourself motivated to quit, you will need powerful, personal reasons to do so. Perhaps you’re doing it for your family, or to protect your kids from secondhand smoke. Maybe health problems or the thought of lung cancer scares you. Whatever your reasons may be, establish at least one that will help you get through. No. 1: Get Support Quitting isn’t at all a walk in the park. Before you embark on your journey to ending this addiction, inform your friends, family and co-workers. This is especially important if you belong to a social circle with other heavy smokers. Let them know your reasons why, and engage their support and encouragement. Joining a support group or talking to a counselor can also be helpful. Some counselors may even propose the possibility of behavioral therapy, which is a form of co

Travel Health Tips And Benefits

Travelling is getting common, some travel for leisure while some for work. However falling sick can thwart travel plans. To enjoy that well deserved break or even when you are travelling for work, falling ill would be the last thing you would want to happen. Here’s some tips on how to stay healthy while travelling Before you board the plane: Try to stay healthy! Take multi-vitamins to boost your immune system. Staying away from sick people who may be contagious! If you are starting to feel ill, consult your doctor immediately and have sufficient rest. Avoid partying and alcohol before your flight, alcohol will dehydrate you. You may also like to pack a small bottle of hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wet wipes in your hand luggage, which may come in handy. Dress comfortably for your flight and enjoy your flight! On the plane: Flying can be taxing on your body, especially for long distance flights. Firstly, being in the airplane cabin, the dry air, low humidity and air pressure might t

The Best Keto Fat Bomb Powder I've Come Across

“Keto” is a huge buzzword these days. Several years ago most of what you’d hear was 4 hour body or Paleo. The ketogenic diet was there, it just wasn’t “mainstreamed” like it is today. Nowadays, you can hardly do anything health related without hearing the word “keto”, and usually what you hear next is “fat bomb”. Turns out there’s a good reason: when you get rid of carbohydrates and get your energy from fats, your body responds well. So it’s not hard to imagine that a lot of companies are jumping on this keto bandwagon. The problem is the same as with any buzz – you get people jumping in promising all kinds of benefits, but eventually you start getting products that are technically “keto” but reject the spirit of keto (see “keto desserts” made with lots of fake sweeteners). When a product comes along that really strips things down and also tastes good, it’s worth noting. Naked Nutrition has a really stellar keto powder, but more on that in a moment. What is the keto diet? Just a quick