Travel Health Tips And Benefits

Travelling is getting common, some travel for leisure while some for work. However falling sick can thwart travel plans. To enjoy that well deserved break or even when you are travelling for work, falling ill would be the last thing you would want to happen. Here’s some tips on how to stay healthy while travelling

Before you board the plane:

Try to stay healthy! Take multi-vitamins to boost your immune system. Staying away from sick people who may be contagious! If you are starting to feel ill, consult your doctor immediately and have sufficient rest. Avoid partying and alcohol before your flight, alcohol will dehydrate you. You may also like to pack a small bottle of hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wet wipes in your hand luggage, which may come in handy. Dress comfortably for your flight and enjoy your flight!

On the plane:

Flying can be taxing on your body, especially for long distance flights. Firstly, being in the airplane cabin, the dry air, low humidity and air pressure might trigger illness. Do remember to take lots of fluids to prevent dehydration. Although it might seem like a hassle to keep visiting the toilet, these movements would prevent developing leg clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT). From time to time, take some time to do simple leg exercises. If you have a layover, do walk around at the airport instead of sitting around.

During your holiday:

Eating well and keeping in shape while travelling may be a challenge, but it is possible. Make time to exercise; it could be just 20 minutes of running on the treadmill or brisk walking around the vicinity. Exercising will help you to fight the jet lag too! Although it may be tempting to just dine at fast food restaurants for the convenience, why not try the local cuisine? Apply healthy habits even when you are abroad; have your food prepared with less oil and salt, prepared using cooking methods like grilled, broiled and steamed. Business lunch and dinners may cause you to overeat, remember to exercise restraint.

Food poisoning is commonly caused by consuming contaminated food or water while travelling with symptoms ranging from mild cramps to severe diarrhoea, vomiting and fever. To avoid getting travellers’ food poisoning, avoid consuming raw food, including salads. Instead, select food that is freshly cooked or fresh fruits which you peeled yourself. Although street food may seem delicious, avoid if it looks filthy. Avoid drinking tap water especially in developing countries, choose bottled or sealed beverages.

Getting sufficient sleep is as vital as proper exercise and nutrition. Fighting off jet lag might be one of the problems you may encounter. On your first day, try your best to stay awake until it is night time. When I travel to a different time zone, I will keep myself occupied with activities, even if I am really tired and want to sleep, I will avoid returning to the hotel too early, as I will end up falling asleep. Minimize fatigue by eating normally. If you have problems falling asleep, you may like to take a warm shower with some drops of lavender essential oil for a better night’s sleep or take some melatonin supplements.

Happy travels!


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