Headache Triggers That May Surprise You - 2023

Headaches are one of the most common ailments. Some of these triggers may surprise you, but the more causes you are aware of, the better chance you have at preventing and/or relieving headaches.


As anyone with a screaming boss or an overpowering colleague can attest, having someone constantly breath down your neck is a sure trigger of an excruciating headache. When our stress levels are raised, the nerve sensitivity in our brain spikes, and this makes us a lot more vulnerable to succumbing to throbbing headaches and migraines. Whether it’s work, deadlines, examinations, or relationships, stress just isn’t healthy for you. Take a deep breath whenever life gets a little too tough to handle and find stress-relieving methods that work best for you.

Cold Cuts

Processed meats seem like the most unlikely culprits, but they’re still culprits nonetheless. Not only do they contain tyramine, but also food additives such as nitrites. Put these two together and it might spell trouble for some people. Not everyone is equally sensitive to these chemicals, but for those who are, consuming anything high in food additives can cause pain on both sides of the head (also known as a headache, as opposed to a migraine, which only hurts on one side).
When it comes to weather and headaches, fingers often point towards the sun. Yes, hot and sunny days are common culprits, but so are cold, rainy days. Changes in temperature and barometric pressure can lead to headaches for some people. If you find yourself experiencing head discomfort during either of these, it’s better to stay indoors an avoid outdoor exposure.


Believe it or not, the stuff that goes into our pizza and pasta may be the culprit behind your next headache. Yes, we’re talking about cheese. Some people are more vulnerable to headaches when they consume aged cheese like blue cheese, cheddar, Parmesan, and Swiss. Before you start ditching the cheese, you need to know that it isn’t the cheese but the tyramine in the cheese that should take the rap.
Strenuous Sports
Casual exercise is great for your mind and body, but when you get yourself into extreme sports, you can expect a headache to come with the package. Any strenuous activity (including sex) can be a trigger for those who are more susceptible to headaches and migraines.

Alcoholic Drinks

Tyramine is under the spotlight once again and this time it’s in the alcohol. Red wine, beer, sherry, you name it. Alcoholic beverages contain high amounts of tyramine, which doesn’t just lead to headaches, but also an increase in your blood pressure and heart rate. Furthermore, because alcohol causes a surge in blood flow to the brain, the pain from the headache may be even more intense.

Bad Posture

Remember the time your mother constantly told you to watch your posture and sit up straight? Well, we knew it was for our own good – simply so we don’t end up like the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Hunch or no hunch, bad posture builds pressure in your head and neck muscles and could very well land you a bad headache at work.


Lighting that cigarette can trigger headaches for smokers, as well as those exposed to secondhand smoke. When breathed into our lungs, the nicotine in cigarettes can cause blood vessels in our brain to narrow. The types of headaches often associated with smoke are migraines, which are defined by sharps pains at one side of the head; and cluster headaches, which are characterised by an excruciating pain in the head that may lead to other problems in the eyes and nose.


That daily cup of coffee may keep your mind awake and alert all day, but too much of a good thing can have your head screaming in pain. Caffeine is known to have a plethora of health benefits like reducing the risk of different types of cancer, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes, and stimulating our body’s metabolism. On the flip side of this, if you’re hooked on caffeine and decide to cut back abruptly, you can expect to experience headaches as part of of the withdrawal process.

Hair Accessories

Our hair is connected to our scalp, and our scalp to our head. When we tie our hair too tightly, it pulls against our scalp and causes a lot of strain on the connective tissue. This tension usually starts off with sensational pain at the affected area, but can lead to an entire day’s headache. If you feel the initial pain, try loosening your hair accessory or simply let your hair down.

Overpowering Scents

A gentle spray of the air freshener can instantly add life to a dull room. Double that and you might actually find yourself with a terrible headache. Everyday scents from sources such as perfumes, chemicals and paint may, once in a while, get too strong for us. When these scents hit our noses and cause stimulation within our nervous system, they can become instant triggers for migraines in many people.


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