How to Getting Rid of Cellulite in 2023

Known as orange peel syndrome and cottage cheese skin, cellulite is public enemy number one to most women and it causes many women to spend hundreds on possible cures.

Cellulite is caused when fat cells swell and the surrounding fibrous tissue changes in texture, becoming slightly thickened and contracted. It is this subsequent pulling effect that is liken to orange peel. Even slim people may suffer from cellulite.

Do a pinch test, does your skin look like this?

So what are the causes of cellulite? Research shows that 70% of cellulite is caused by lifestyle and 30% is genetics.

Let’s take a look at our lifestyle now. In today’s society, we usually have to be desk bound due to our work most of the times. This sedentary lifestyle allows little movement, and thus the accumulation of fat cells. If you are under high stress, it will cause an increase in the level of catecholamine’s, which have also been associated with the evolution of cellulite. Emotional stress has been known to weaken connective tissue, therefore contributing to the accumulation of fat in the form of cellulite.

Gender is the number one factor, as most people with cellulite are women. Unfortunately, when women pile on the pounds, it tends to sit stubbornly on our hips, bottom and thighs. Hormones, such as estrogen, are believed to play a role in cellulite development.

Diet can also contribute to cellulite, as carbohydrates, salt and a lack of fiber seem to increase cellulite deposits. Poor diet, such as consuming too much alcohol or processed food could also promote the development of cellulite. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables as they will help to provide the body with vitamins, minerals and fibre. Dehydration is also linked to the formation of cellulite. Water helps to flush out the toxins in your body, therefore ensure you are taking sufficient fluid.

Smokers and non-exercisers are more likely to develop cellulite. Smoking damages the connective tissues in your body, thus causing the orange peel effect. Lack of exercise would cause the connective tissues to harden, therefore try to do some simple exercise at least twice a week to prevent cellulite.

Finally, circulation problems can cause the condition, which means tight fitting underwear that limit blood flow can be a cause of cellulite.

There are many products and treatments out there that claims to help to get rid of cellulite. These creams and treatment may involve caffeine. However, in my opinion, one of the very best ways to get rid, or at least reduce cellulite is to exercise. One simple way would be to brisk walk regularly. Using the right technique, walking regularly can tone bottom and thigh muscles quickly. Remember to watch your posture, keep your shoulders back with your chins held high. Walk naturally but at a faster pace. Do this regularly, if possible everyday.

When you are at home, you could do these simple exercises.

Lying face down, raise your legs slightly, so your feet are few inches off the ground.

Bend your knees, keeping them off the ground, and hold that position for 5 to 15 seconds.

Afterwhich, slowly unbend your knees and with control, lower your straight legs to the ground, then repeat about 8 times.

Here is another simple exercise you could do at home too.

Stand about a foot away from a wall with your feet straight ahead.

Slide your body down the wall, until you are sitting with your thighs perpendicular to the surface

Hold this position for between 30 seconds and two minutes

One of the safest and long lasting way to reduce cellulite is by combining a low-fat diet with an appropriate exercise program that tones the underlying muscle. Strength training is an important element in reducing the unsightly appearance of cellulite since it increases muscle tone and decreases total body fat. Although it may take time, perseverance will pay off.


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