Secrets Tips to Losing Weight Without Dieting

There’s no denying about the positive effects proper dieting and regular exercise have on the reading on your scale. Weight loss aside, exercise is vital in keeping yourself fit and healthy. Dieting, however, isn’t necessarily a must for weight loss. If you are one who loves eating yet hate the thought of giving up your favorite food, here are some wonderful ways to help you lose weight without dieting.

Schedule Your Meals

In a nutshell: do not starve, do not skip meals and eat on time. When you intentionally cut back on your food, your body goes into starvation mode. One might be under the impression that not eating will lead to weight loss. Truth is, hunger builds up and there’s a very high chance you’ll only end up overeating at the next meal to satisfy that hunger. The same goes for skipping meals. 

Whether you skip meals with the intention of losing weight or because of your busy schedule, putting your body through long periods of going without food will result in overeating, or what some call a ‘binge’. Last but not least, always eat on time. Scheduling your meals keeps your body fueled with energy throughout the day, ensures stable blood sugar levels, and helps you avoid unhealthy snacking.

Motivate with Skinny Clothes

While it may sound ridiculous to spend money on clothes that don’t fit, it really isn’t all that absurd if they’ll be the reason you fit into them one day, is it? I know it sounds confusing, but just think about it. By getting yourself, let’s say a dress, that you absolutely love and is of your ideal size, you’ll find yourself working even harder to shed the pounds and eventually reach your weight loss goal.

It’s All About Portions

The secret of staying slim and the ultimate trick behind lasting weight loss boil back down to food portions. The primary reason why people gain weight is their inability to control the amount of food they consume. Studies have shown this: the bigger the plate, the more you’ll eat. Learn to measure portions according to calories and always make it a point to keep track of how much you’re about to eat, how much you’re eating and how much you’ve eaten.

Time Your Meals

Not only do you tend to overeat when rushing through your meal, you also deprive yourself of taking full pleasure in enjoying your food. The amount of time you should give yourself for every meal really depends on how big the meal is. However, what you can do to ensure you don’t overeat is to chew slowly, savor each bite, and let your taste buds relish the flavors of every mouthful. Pacing your meals triggers fullness and satiety, so you don’t end up eating more than you should.

Opt for Whole Grains

So, we’ve all heard about the various health benefits of whole grains. They are packed with fiber, antioxidants and B vitamins, and they reduce the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and obesity. But more than that, whole grains also play a big part in aiding weight loss. Having whole grains such as oats, brown rice, barley, and whole-wheat bread incorporated into your meal will help fill you up faster and with fewer calories too.

Tame Your Sweet Tooth

Not many people are aware of this, but did you know that the sugar in your everyday drinks contain calories? Guzzling down sweet liquids does contribute to your daily calorie intake and lead to weight gain. So, if you plan on losing some of that excess weight, simply cut back on sugary drinks and have plain water or lower-calorie alternatives instead.

Get Sufficient Sleep

According to a researcher from the University of Michigan, sleeping an additional hour a night might actually help you lose up to 14 pounds in a year. This is especially so for those who find themselves engaging in idle activities like lazing on the couch, and unnecessary and mindless snacking. Over the years, studies have also shown that not getting enough sleep is often the prime suspect behind an increase in appetite, causing us to eat more and then gain weight in the long run.

Eat Your Veggies

Vegetables are high in fiber and water content, and most of which fill you up fast and carry little to hardly any calories at all. To encourage your family to eat more greens, prepare two to three vegetable dishes at dinner and you’ll see that variety is the trick. Also, instead of adding flavor using fat and other unhealthy dressings, season your dish with herbs and a light drizzle of lemon juice.


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