What Exercise Can Do For Your Mental Health - 2023

Whenever we hit the gym or go for a morning run, we usually do it with one of these goals in mind: build muscle, lose weight, get fit, look good, or to improve our cardiovascular health. There’s not one bit of doubt that the above-mentioned will be results you will notice from working out regularly. Then again, haven’t we preached enough about what exercise can do to your body and physique? Instead of stating what is now common sense to most of us, we will be delving deeper into the hidden enclaves of the human mind and reveal what exercise can do for our mental health.

Increases Relaxation

If you have always thought that exercise stimulates brain activity, well, you’re absolutely right. Exercise increases your level of alertness and raises your body’s core temperature, but as your body temperature begins to fall back to normal a few hours later, you’ll also notice your mind slipping into a state of calmness and relaxation. If you often find yourself having trouble sleeping, having a moderate workout around five to six hours before bedtime will have you feeling all ready for a good night’s snooze by the end of the night.

Gets Our Minds In Shape

Whether it’s the lack of inspiration or a good old mental block that you’re faced with at work, stepping out of your cubicle for a short walk or a stretch might be the solution for you. Research has shown that people who dedicate time to exercising regularly tend to be more productive and energetic than their sedentary counterparts. Squeezing in that little bit of time everyday for some exercise also provides your mind with the workout it needs to function better.

Stimulates Creativity

Our creative juices can get rather stubborn at times, but with that change in gear, we can send our creativity flowing at our mercy. A single heart-pumping workout in itself can instantly boost our creativity for up to two whole hours after. Supercharge your workout for even better results by taking your mind and body outdoors and interacting with nature.

Boosts Our Memory

It isn’t just ageing that affects our memory – other factors such as sleep, stress and exercise also play a part in determining how powerful our memory can be. While studies have shown the amazing effects physical fitness can have on a child’s brain development, the link between physical activity and brainpower applies to grown-ups too. It may not be as fun as a game of hide-and-seek, but it surely beats having goldfish-memory anytime.

Makes Us Happy

Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, which are the chemicals responsible for creating the feelings of happiness and euphoria and are especially great for treating those who are suffering from depression or anxiety. The good news is that you won’t even have sweat it out for a generous dose of this mood booster. An activity as simple as a 30-minute walk a few times a week is all you need to give your overall mood a glorious lift.

Raises Self-Confidence

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the effects exercise has on making us look good and feel great about ourselves. No matter what’s your age or how much you weigh, even the simplest of physical activities can boost your self-esteem, improve your self-image, and elevate your self-worth. Now that’s a lot you can do for yourself in one single workout.

Moving around and getting that occasional breath of fresh air can reap benefits that affect more than just our body. Be it to boost your self-confidence or to put a smile on your face, exercise is indeed a magnificent tool that brings out the best in our mind, soul and body.


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