
Showing posts from July, 2023

Health and Fitness What’s The Difference in 2023?

The term Health & Fitness is analogous to a perfect state of being. We also use this term loosely when talking about the sports industry and many assume that Health is similar to Fitness. This might very well also be the fault of the media as Health is often referenced in the same light as Fitness. Yet, this equivocal relationship between Health and Fitness can actually be defined separately. Contrary to the opinions of many, Health and Fitness are different. According to World Health Organization, Health is defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” As such, when we refer to a state of health, there is often a reference to a holistic state of well-being. In fact, a person who is healthy is not necessarily fit and the opposite is true as well. There are individuals who can crank out hundreds of push ups in one setting or run a marathon in under 3 hours but still fall sick frequently. Understanding Fitn

From Zero To Fighter The Pullup

The steel bar shone under the scorching sun as rows of rugged looking men stared at the apparatus. Palms sweating nervously, many of them were apprehensive and worried that they will be dominated. Yet, defeat is not an option because this steel bar represents an accurate test of their upper body strength and failure would demand a certain price. Glancing up and squinting his eyes, one of the brave souls gave a small leap and grasp hold of the bar with his palms. The test has begun. The pullup is one exercise that instils fear and frustration in many people because it is one of the most challenging bodyweight exercises around. The SAF utilizes the exercise to assess an individual’s upper body strength, bodybuilders leverage on this simple exercise to create awe inspiring V-Tapers and the average person can develop an enviable looking upper body with this simple exercise. Yet, most people struggle to do pullups and those who can’t are often dubbed as Zero-Fighters. At his peak, legendary

When Muscles Are Not Created Equal

Have you ever seen a guy in the gym squatting weights more suitable for women yet having legs the size of tree trunks? Or another guy who is benching a relatively light weight with arms the size of Dwayne Johnson? Not all the time. As most guys who are big are also training with heavy weights yet there would be the occasional occurrence when you see a person regularly training with moderately light weights yet having the admirable physique of a Greek god. The Thing About Hypertrophy To put it simply, hypertrophy is the term used to describe muscle growth. During weight training, you damage your muscle fibres and the process of resting and recuperation at night will lead to the repairing of your muscle fibres leading to increased size and strength in the muscles to compensate for future heavier work loads. This process of growth in size and strength is also known as hypertrophy. Yet, all muscles are not created equal. There are 2 different types of hypertrophy and to experience maximal

5 Fitness Strategies To Prepare For An Amazing 2023

The start of a new year usually symbolizes the beginning of new possibilities and countless opportunities to break new frontiers. And this most certainly apply to the areas of health and fitness. Over here, we are going to share with you 5 ways to help you stick to your goals. Pay attention to these strategies if you want to look your best in 2023 and start fitting into all the clothes that you thought would end up in the bin sooner or later. Overly ambitious resolutions If you are a guy with more than 20% body fat and hope to achieve ripped abs in 1 month, you might just be overextending yourself somewhat. Setting targets for yourself to achieve is great but manage your expectations too as Rome is not built in one day. Impatience Very closely related to the first reason, we all live in a fast paced and era of instant gratification. Anything slower than ‘now’ would often cause frustration. Yet crash dieting to lose that few pounds often has the opposite effect of reaping contrary resul

Bringing your best foot forward essay

Beauty care does not simply stop at your face or body alone, the legs are essentially important when you are getting ready to hit the beach! Get your gams polished and ready for gorgeous beachwear and sandals with these dead easy tips. 1. Go Bare When summer arrives, there’s no hiding underneath those nylon stockings any longer! For the ladies, it’s time to bring out the razors, darlings! The most ideal time to shave your legs would be during your shower. Alternatively, soak your legs in warm water for a few minutes first. This is to allow the heat from the water to open up the hair follicles, softens and relaxes the leg hairs. While shaving, avoid putting too much pressure against your skin. Shave against the direction of hair growth. After you are done, rinse legs thoroughly before using towel to pat dry gently. Remember to moisturize after shaving :) For the sensitive ones, its advisable to stop exfoliation over the area you want smoothed for at least 2-3 days. A good razor are defi

How Low Should You Go In The Squat

Also known as the king of all exercises, the squat provides tremendous benefits to muscular development and contributes to overall strength. Yet, as renowned as this exercise is for its benefits, it is also infamous for all the varied views on what a proper squat constitutes. Eavesdrop on a conversation near the squat rack and you might hear a self-professed and experienced squatter telling his friend to go parallel to avoid hurting his knees. Go to another gym on the island of sunny Singapore on a Saturday morning and you might just hear another person advocating squatting below parallel. Then there are also the partial squats advocates. What happens During A Squat The squat trains the quads, hamstrings, glutes, lower back and abs with the upper body recruited during the exercise to execute the movement proper. The usual stance sees a person starting with legs shoulder width apart and as he bends his knees, he descends till his thighs are parallel to the ground before driving his legs