5 Fitness Strategies To Prepare For An Amazing 2023

The start of a new year usually symbolizes the beginning of new possibilities and countless opportunities to break new frontiers. And this most certainly apply to the areas of health and fitness. Over here, we are going to share with you 5 ways to help you stick to your goals.

Pay attention to these strategies if you want to look your best in 2023 and start fitting into all the clothes that you thought would end up in the bin sooner or later.

Overly ambitious resolutions

If you are a guy with more than 20% body fat and hope to achieve ripped abs in 1 month, you might just be overextending yourself somewhat. Setting targets for yourself to achieve is great but manage your expectations too as Rome is not built in one day.


Very closely related to the first reason, we all live in a fast paced and era of instant gratification. Anything slower than ‘now’ would often cause frustration. Yet crash dieting to lose that few pounds often has the opposite effect of reaping contrary results as adopters of such a fat loss regime find themselves putting back weight on again. Most things in life that are worth anything are usually worth waiting for.

Lack of support

It is challenging enough to be on a one-tracked mission to achieve your fitness goals so if someone comes along to tell you to stop doing it and give you all the reasons why you should go drinking with them and enjoy that seafood supper in Newton Circus, you know it won’t be easy to say no.

Discouragement with less than visible results

As I said, Rome wasn’t built in a day and there would be days and weeks when you feel like giving up after observing the same old image of yourself staring back at you in the mirror.

Lack of adequate knowledge

Speak to some people in the gym and you might hear them telling you that it took them a few years before they understood what to do correctly. There are also people who just don’t know what to do when they are in the gym. It is then not surprising when there are no improvements.

So how are you going to make 2023 count? And I’m not just talking about counting calories but really breaking new frontiers and bringing your fitness level and physique to the next level? Read carefully over the next few points that are going to help you realize your potential and unveil those fitness dreams that have laid shrouded in the shadows the years before.

Do one thing at a time

Many people having read fitness magazines or see the display of beautiful physiques in movies want to become like these celebrities. As such, began a process of trying to grow bigger and ripped as the fitness models or bodybuilders they observe in these collaterals. Yet, they have forgotten the power of focus. For instance, if a person is trying to bulk up to look bigger and increase his muscularity yet also wanting to look ripped, eventually he will realize he can only achieve average results. 

In trying to look ripped, his body will need to have a calorie deficit and at the same time if he wants to grow bigger at the same time, he would need calories surplus to put on mass. So the 2 goals basically cancel each other out. So doing one thing at a time will help you achieve better results than trying to do too many things in one go.

This is but one example, yet focusing your energy on the task at hand will bring your far. What is it you want to achieve? Greater stamina? Then run more and run often. More muscularity? Increased duration of cardio might not be so beneficial here. Hit the gym more and create a calorie surplus. You will get to your destination eventually.

Create visual reminders

Nothing helps you to see your goals as clearly as when you have a picture or photos of what you want to look like. Pin up the photo of the body you want to achieve. If your goal in 2023 is to finish a triathlon, then put up a poster or switch the wallpaper on your desktop of that of an inspirational picture. These are but just some ways to create impactful reminders. Be creative, go for something that speaks to you, connect with you.

Track your progress

Weigh yourself, measure your waist. If possible, go buy a fat calipers or equipment that can measure your body fat. I’m not telling you to be obsessive but pursuing goals without understanding where you are at will often lead to monotony and lack of excitement. If you are on a fat loss regime, even better track your meals. Investing in a small weighing scale for food to measure your grams can be helpful too. Even better take progress pictures of yourself and you will be even more inspired to work harder once you see the difference!

Surround yourself with fitness enthusiasts

There are some gyms that just inspire you to come back and train day after day because of the people there. And there are those you see lethargic people just going through the motions. Even if you might not have friends who are pursuing fitness goals, develop relationships with such people in the very place where they come together-the gym. 

Or it could be a yoga class or even a common stretch of road where cyclists do their distances. Over time, you will realize that your community will inspire you to go the distance whether in an unspoken way by their presence or through their verbal encouragement.


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