Important Managing Stress of Life

Stress exists in every aspects of life. It can also appear in many forms such as emotional stress, physical stress and also mental stress.

Let’s start with emotional stress which normally comes from friction in relationship such as quarrels, this will cause a chain reaction in your other aspects of life such as work life. Quarrels with family or friends tend to pull you down emotionally, bringing the negative emotions to work which causes you to lose focus at work and increasing error tendency. This will cause you underperform at work and losing opportunities at work. This negative emotional stress also affects your temper. Therefore you may want to control your emotional stress and NOT bring that to work or to any aspects of your life.

Physical stress on the other hand is simpler and less complicated. It’s a stress that your body can feel; like feeling tired. Too much manual work such as lifting heavy goods will cause you to feel tired as lots of energy is required to get such tedious job done. But how can we reduce this physical stress? Stretching more to relieve your muscles, carry manageable loads to prevent injuries and most importantly, use the right form to lift.

As most of us today have desk bounded jobs; such job requires you to sit at your desk for long hours facing the computer. If your sitting posture is incorrect, you will suffer from back or neck aches. How can we reduce these problems? Stretching can help to relieve your muscles, take short breaks by doing something else and also take some time to look at the greeneries whenever possible to relieve the strain of your eyes from the computer.

Metal stress is common for leaders, managers, or professionals as these jobs have to handle and solve problems. However, metal stress also applies to many people who are not in the leadership position. One of the main factor triggering mental stress is unsolved problems, that needs to be solved by the individual. This will cause intense stress on the individual as he needs to find a solution within a limited time period.

How to reduce this stress? When things happen, take it easy and stay calm. A calm person is a clear person, which means that you will have a clearer state of mind to solve the problem.

Bringing this stress home may also give you sleepless nights, and you are unable to rest well. So be sure that you find ways that suits you best to destress. It could be going for a walk, having a nice dinner, for most ladies, retail therapy is something that you all indulge in to destress.


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